Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Coffee Smoothie | Low Calorie Smoothie Series

Let me start this post by thanking all of the readers out there, because you kept reading this blog even when I wasn't posting anything.

But, I am extremely happy to announce that I am back! And this time, I will be bringing amazing recipes which are easy to make and delicious to eat! I really hope that you all will like it.

So, this recipe series is requested by a friend of mine, who I think, wants to remain anonymous.
This recipe request is the reason that I started blogging again. Once that I started it, I felt again, the joy of blogging, and decided to continue. If you want to request a recipe, write it in the comments or the recipe request page (You can post anonymously as well), or send me a message (or a tweet!), the links to my social media pages are given below!

So, this is a "Low Calorie Smoothie Series", I will be posting different kinds of smoothies which will include Vegetables and Fruits as well. But since it is really hot here, in India, I wanted to start with a rather cool, refreshing and energizing drink.

This recipe isn't just low calorie but it is also refreshing and energizing. So, if you want some energy after waking up in the morning, this is the recipe to go to.

If you don't drink coffee, DON'T WORRY. I have got your back! I will be posting a fruit and vegetable smoothie in the coming days.

So, let's take a look at the recipe!



  1.       Low fat milk, 1 cup (You can use normal milk, but there will be an increase in the calories).
  2.       A small banana, 1 (It gives a smooth texture to the smoothie. Don't worry, it tastes delicious).
  3.       Honey , 1 teaspoon (For the sweetness).
  4.       Cocoa powder, 1 teaspoon (Gives it a really nice chocolaty flavour).
  5.       Instant Coffee, 2 teaspoons.
  6.       Vanilla essence or vanilla extract, as per taste.
  7.       Crushed ice (You can also use small ice cubes).


  • Take the small banana and roughly break it into small pieces.
  • Next, in a blending vessel (food processor/mixer/blender), take the milk and add the honey, cocoa powder, vanilla essence and the coffee.
  • Blend until it is nicely mixed.
  • Next, add the banana and blend till there are no more chunks of banana left.
  • Next, add the crushed ice and blend.
  • Your coffee smoothie is ready.

 Points to remember:

  1.  Blend the ingredients in the specific order given.
  2. This differs from a "Cold Coffee" because the banana, cocoa powder and vanilla essence make it a "Smoothie".

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Happy Cooking!

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