Monday 26 September 2016

Pancake Hacks


Surprise! It's a new post because it is #NationalPancakeDay !
I have gathered two hacks that can save the time and the work of the Pancake lovers!
So, let's get right to it!


1.So, this hack is for all you nice people who are tired of scooping the pancake batter into the pan. Take a clean bottle with a nozzle, that is a ketchup bottle with a tube at its end/opening.Fill it with the pancake batter just pour the batter on the pan through the bottle!
2.Next hack is for the nice people who are tired of eating the pancakes the traditional way, using the forks and knives. Just pour a small potion of the batter on the pan (you can use the first hack)
and put a Popsicle on top of it. Next put another small portion of the batter on the pancake and the Popsicle and cook evenly! Enjoy!

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